
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Fragile Instruments

There is a sadness
in my bones.
A dull ache
that appears 
and reappears,
like an old injury
when it rains.
It throbs
like my head does
when I hang upside down 
over the edge
of my grandmother's sofa.
I pour myself 
a cup of coffee
and read a love poem
to numb the hurt
I feel when I read
black headlines
in the morning sun.

When I smile,
I press my bottom lip
against the sharp edges 
of my teeth. 

when I'm alone
and the air in the room 
is reserved only for
my paper lungs, 
I can hear the sadness 
rattle inside of me 
like the sound
of marbles
rolling against each other 
in a velvet bag,
and it's a sound so sweet, 
so achingly beautiful,
it hollows out
my bones
until they are nothing
but fragile instruments
of loneliness. 

I watched the news
this afternoon
and my collarbone 
snapped in half.

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