
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

From Behind

You're a jagged pill 
tearing apart my insides,
But I swallow you anyway because
I'm addicted to the way your shoulder blades feel
underneath my hands.

You're an iron mountain 
screwing with my compass,
But I climb you anyway because
I love to admire the back of your neck 
when you're not looking.

I'm supposed to fall for someone
who loves all the things about me that confuse you,
But the skin behind your ears
is so soft when I touch it.

I could say I never want to see you again
and you could walk away,
But then I'd be faced with 
the silhouette of you from behind.

So I'll climb that mountain 
and swallow that pill forever 
If it means I can keep running 
my hands down your back 
when you hug me.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Little Darling, Little Darling

Stand on your tiptoes 
Little darling
Crane your neck
Raise your hands over your head
     palms to the sky and
Wail at the moon until all the ash escapes
from your lungs

You are a spectacle-wearer
Little darling
Your world is tinted rose
Open your mouth wide and laugh
     so loud and so terrible and
Stare at the tip of your nose
through the cracks in your glasses

Mark off your calendar
Little darling
The days you find yourself hollow
And revel in the covered weeks
     Press the tip of the marker
Into the day you felt most happy
until it can never be used again

Shake out your rain-boots
Little darling
Go out onto the streets and
Stand in the rain until you feel clean
     Until the gutters are flooded
And you can no longer feel the dirt
from his hands on your body

Little darling, little darling
Flowers grow in your belly
     And every time you cry 
     they dry up
Swallowing bumblebees to pollinate 
Flowers that he has already killed
     is not a sacrifice of love
It's a way to get yourself stung

He is not sunshine
     Little darling
Do not let him kill your flowers

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

"They constantly told me
that my first love

would be a handsome boy
who'd save me

or a pretty girl
who'd hold me.

So I searched the world
for another,

never knowing that
my first love

should have been


Sunday, July 28, 2013


I want to crawl into your wounds 
And make a home for myself 
in all that pain

Rearrange the furniture in your veins to make room for my old sofa
And stow my luggage 
in your heart

The tag on my suitcase still has your name on it
From the last time I flew home

I want to rip off your bandages and revel in the beauty 
of all those scars

Shine a light into your mouth 
so they glow
As bright and beautiful 
as the stars

After all, the blinking bulbs of this lonely, glittering city
Have nothing on the sky seen from your bedroom window

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Take a pencil and slice open your own Stomach
Let someone poke and prod
your Intestines
Until they are satisfied
with the amount of Blood 
covering their hands
And you'll know how it feels to write Poetry

Monday, June 24, 2013


She is a ship

A beautiful vessel
Anchored in a dock
Where storms can occur at any moment

"Hope" and "secure" were never synonyms
Until they were cargo sent across an ocean
Without the destination stamped on the crate

At times, she gets seasick 
She doesn't worry, she knows
A boat becalmed just means the wind has stopped blowing
Not that the journey 
is over

The entire purpose of an anchor is to "sink" 
But change that word to "ground" 
And you can keep your soul from floating away
Into the June clouds

She's always had a marine soul
A transporter of people and a carrier of beloved goods
She'll navigate this ocean until the entire boat goes under

Today, she looked out her curtain and could swear she saw a mermaid in the sky

Sunday, June 23, 2013

I love you quietly

I love you in a prayer
From inside a hospital chapel
Where I can worship idols
With hands like yours
Surrounded by people
With cemeteries in their minds

I love you in a whisper
From inside a public library
Where I can read novels
With words that remind me of you
Surrounded by people
With better things to do than read

I love you quietly
but with conviction

Because I don't believe in love
But I believe in the way I love you 

An adoration so divine 
I see God
When I look at you 
Because the truth is
I could fill libraries 
Writing about how
I fell in love
With how I love you

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Rare Girl

Look at you
You rare girl
You electric being
You wild thing
Look at you
With your too-big feet
And too-fragile soul

Stare into a mirror and
Repeat after me
"The fault is not in myself.
It is not in my crooked teeth
Or my frizzy hair.
It is not in my hunger for what
Or my need to be noticed. 
It is not in my dreamer mind
Or my selective memory.
The fault is not mine
And the fault is not my poetry."

Look at you
With your too-big feet
And too-fragile soul

You are the Universe
You rare girl

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Big, Clumsy Hands

She sits on my bathroom floor,
the cold linoleum against her thighs, and she weeps.

Someone is in the shower, singing. I don't know the words. 

She's holding something in her arms. I can barely make it out through the steam that clouds the mirror and sticks to my skin. 

It's a package wrapped in black paper, boxed with bubble wrap, and stamped with the words 'Handle with Care.'

The box has a pulse. 
A rhythm that's familiar, but I get the feeling it isn't supposed to be heard this way - muffled inside a box. The sound is hollow and sad. 

I ask her why she can't open it. 
She holds the box out and I look.
It isn't addressed to her.
Her hands tremble. 
It isn't addressed to anyone. 

She continues to cry. 
The singing gets louder. 
The melody is foreign and the words are in a language I do not understand. 

I ask her why she won't mail the package to someone, anyone.  

She tells me that everyone she knows has big, clumsy hands. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

“It is necessary to find one's own way in New York. New York City is not hospitable. She is very big and she has no heart. She is not charming. She is not sympathetic. She is rushed and noisy and unkempt, a hard, ambitious, irresolute place, not very lively, and never gay. When she glitters she is very, very bright, and when she does not glitter she is dirty. New York does nothing for those of us who are inclined to love her except implant in our hearts a homesickness that baffles us until we go away from her, and then we realize why we are restless. At home or away, we are homesick for New York not because New York used to be better and not because she used to be worse but because the city holds us and we don't know why.” 
― Maeve Brennan

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Fragile Instruments

There is a sadness
in my bones.
A dull ache
that appears 
and reappears,
like an old injury
when it rains.
It throbs
like my head does
when I hang upside down 
over the edge
of my grandmother's sofa.
I pour myself 
a cup of coffee
and read a love poem
to numb the hurt
I feel when I read
black headlines
in the morning sun.

When I smile,
I press my bottom lip
against the sharp edges 
of my teeth. 

when I'm alone
and the air in the room 
is reserved only for
my paper lungs, 
I can hear the sadness 
rattle inside of me 
like the sound
of marbles
rolling against each other 
in a velvet bag,
and it's a sound so sweet, 
so achingly beautiful,
it hollows out
my bones
until they are nothing
but fragile instruments
of loneliness. 

I watched the news
this afternoon
and my collarbone 
snapped in half.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Bleeding Heart

I fear my heart isn't as big as I thought it was

Everyday I fill its valves and arteries with stranger smiles and kind words and dazzling metaphors for what it means to love someone as much as I love myself

And I'm worried that my pulse is becoming faint as I bleed for people who have plenty of blood already
I'm worried that my heart beats too fast for too many people whose hearts beat for not enough people
And that by the time another heart beat finally echoes against my own
There won't be any room left for their name to run through my veins

Sunday, March 31, 2013

I'm Driving

I'm driving
It's dark outside
And the street lamps glow orange
Illuminating the car
In measured flashes
As I write stories in my head
Using the sky as ink
And the road as my page
The shadows are my characters
They dance and fight and disappear
And they fascinate me to a point
That's almost scary
And I feel full and alone
All at the same time
But I can never think of an ending
To my story

Thursday, March 28, 2013

If Chicago Could Think

Standing on a transparent ledge,
You'll see nothing but steel beauty
But look closer, squint both eyes
And my streets turn to rubble
Washed in White

Alien accents driving
Lipgloss-covered taxi cabs,
More entitled to my streets than
Wisconsin in the back, who says
God Bless

Jazz simmers from open windows
Tourists lose themselves in slices
I stare into a mirror made of coffee
And my reflected silouhette is crookedly

The hungry help the starving;
"Will tell joke for money."
There is nothing funny about it,
But pale faces crack into smiles

Wind coming off the River
Sweeps violence through
My heavy doors with a whisper,
Evolution with each revolution,
I Promise

Note: edited version 

Monday, March 25, 2013


Curb-side trash
Takes human form.
Visitors are awed,
"This city is so clean!"

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Art Museum Patrons on a Sunday Afternoon

Old men,
With round, Whiskey bellies,
Tug on their serious lapels
and hum at Picasso.

Old women,
With glasses perched on pointed noses,
Jingle the bangles around their wasp wrists
and nod at Monet.

Young men,
With pants tucked into sneakers,
Scratch their 5 o' clock beards
and raise their eyebrows:
A Question.

Young women,
With their painted mouths and curled lashes,
Cock their wide, proud hips
and purse their lips:
A Critique.

They enter clutching the fare for priceless art - a reasonable, twenty-three dollar fee.

And leave with tired feet, puffed chests, and a deluded sense of understanding - the heavier cost by far.

Monday, March 4, 2013

You Better Not Cry

Because he will grip you by 
the shoulders and wrench 
you around and he will bring 
his bristly mouth to yours and blow
down your throat
you are so full 

You Better Not Cry by Augusten Burroughs

Saturday, February 23, 2013


She lives on a fault,
And exists only through a terrible balancing act of nature,
And thrives only through a precarious existence.

Unable to adapt,
Unfamiliar with continuity,
Unconcerned with boundaries,
And unafraid of displacement,
She has succeeded in cracking the very structure of her world
Into a clean, dangerous line,
An ethereal fracture.

But why?
Does she enjoy the commotion and insurrection only an earthquake can produce?
Are the screams like music to her ears and the hollow prayers like wicked pleasures to her heart?
Does she close her eyes and revel in the aftermath? In the cries and the chaos of a world shaken to its core?

Or does she simply abhor satisfaction?

She looks to San Andreas with the familiarity of an old friend and longs - impatiently and with a fervor that frightens even herself - for The Next Big One.

The ground begins to shake beneath her feet. She smiles.
A whisper,
"Are you satisfied yet?"

Friday, January 18, 2013

High School

Today was like any other school day. It was the last period and I was running a pass to pull a member of my newspaper staff from class so I could discuss her latest article edits. I was the only person in the commons of the school, and the wide, empty space seemed so much larger than it normally did. And quieter. So much quieter. The only sound was my own footsteps. The sunlight was streaming through the skylights in the high ceilings and it made the place look beautiful. Almost ethereal. I looked around at the hand drawn posters announcing yearbook sales and Homecoming dances and an overwhelming sense of contentment washed over me. It was almost startling how happy I felt in that moment. I love this place. I love the friends I've met here, the teachers I've learned from, and the experiences I've had. I love this place and I'm about to leave.

There isn't a day goes by that I don't complain about some aspect of high school. No day where I'm not "completely over it" or "so ready to get out of this place." At least not until today.

As I slowed my steps, wanting to savor the moment for as long as possible, I realized how I hadn't said any of those things today.

Not during my Statistics class, not when I had to take a pop quiz I knew no answers for in my Econ class, not when half of my debate team forgot their t-shirt money, not even when I stayed two extra hours after school to help the yearbook meet their deadlines.

I had a really good day. And it won't be long before those kind of days - where I am so accustomed to being busy it's not even considered "busy" anymore, where I'm needed to answer a million different questions from my staff and my team, where I'm asked to do things that are in no way my responsibility - are nonexistent. It won't be long before the easy, practiced days of being a student at CHS are over.

And today I realized just how much I'm going to miss it. Boy, am I going to miss this place.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Single Nice Guys

“In pop culture, girls who crush hopelessly on guys they can’t have are painted as just that – hopeless. Over and over again, we’re taught that girls who openly express sexual or romantic interest in guys who don’t want them are pitiable, stalkerish, desperate, crazy bitches. More often than not, they’re also portrayed as ugly – whether physically, emotionally or both – in order to further establish their undesirability as an objective fact. Both narratively and, as a consequence, in real life, men are given free reign to snub, abuse, mislead and talk down to such women: we’re raised to believe that female desire is unseemly, so that any consequent shaming is therefore deserved. There is no female-equivalent Friend Zone terminology because, in the language of our culture, a man’s romantic choices are considered sacrosanct and inviolable. If a girl has been told no, then she has only herself to blame for anything that happens next – but if a woman says no, then she must not really mean it. Or, if she does, she shouldn’t: the rejected man is a universally sympathetic figure, and everyone from moviegoers to platonic onlookers will scream at her to just give him a chance, as though her rejection must always be unfounded rather than based on the fact that he had a chance, and blew it. And even then, give him another one! The pathos of Single Nice Guys can only be eased by pity-sex with unwilling women that blossoms into romance!”

-Lamenting the Friendzone, or: The Nice Guy Approach to Perpetuating Sexist Bullshit

Thursday, January 3, 2013

You have to be everything.

“We are the girls with anxiety disorders, filled appointment books, five-year plans. We take ourselves very, very seriously. We are the peacemakers, the do-gooders, the givers, the savers. We are on time, overly prepared, well read, and witty, intellectually curious, always moving… We pride ourselves on getting as little sleep as possible and thrive on self-deprivation. We drink coffee, a lot of it. We are on birth control, Prozac, and multivitamins… We are relentless, judgmental with ourselves, and forgiving to others. We never want to be as passive-aggressive as our mothers, never want to marry men as uninspired as our fathers… We are the daughters of the feminists who said, “You can be anything,” and we heard, “You have to be everything.” -Courtney Martin

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


You want him to want you, don't you?
-You want him to love you?
Keep your skin smooth for him.
Keep your hair curled for him.
Keep your body lean for him.
Keep your voice quiet for him.
And most importantly, keep your mind empty for him.

Look at those hips. What are they for if not to bear children?
Or at that mouth. What is it for if not to please a man?
That laugh - that's to boost his ego, right?
That voice is to sing his praises?
Those eyes to admire his silhouette?
Look at those hands - made to care for a man in sickness and in health.
And that magnificent soul. What is that for?

As girls we sit in front of the television and we flip through the magazines and we learn our place.
After all, you must start early or else she'll start developing thoughts, won't she?

As teenagers we go to parties with drunk boys and we learn our place.
After all, if she wears that skirt and she bats her eyes she's asking for it, isn't she?

As women we stand at the alter and we read our vows and we learn our place.
After all, isn't this what she's been preparing for her whole life?

We are fashioned so early to understand that once a man decides he wants us, our bodies are not our own. That if a woman rejects a man's advances it must be because she's crazy. She's crazy not to want to be with this man - the one that's been giving her attention all night.

He chose you, girl. He chose you and if anything, you should be flattered.